What: ACT for Sophomores
When: Thursday, May1
Where: MCHS
Cost: $50
Deadline to sign up: Monday, March 3
How to sign up: Scan the QR code located outside Ms. Jackson's office or by the main office.
Find out important information for your sophomore year of high school right here! If you have questions, please reach out through email or phone - jennifer.jackson@marshall.kyschools.us OR 270-527-1453.
What: ACT for Sophomores
When: Thursday, May1
Where: MCHS
Cost: $50
Deadline to sign up: Monday, March 3
How to sign up: Scan the QR code located outside Ms. Jackson's office or by the main office.
The ASVAB is being given at MCHS on Monday, March 31. The ASVAB is offered to high school and post-secondary students as part of the ASVAB Career Exploration Program. The program provides tools to help students learn more about career exploration and planning, in both the civilian and military worlds of work.
If you would like to take the ASVAB, please scan the QR code located outside any of the school couneslors' offices. If you have any questions, see Ms. Jackson or Mr. Cofield in the 1600 hallway.
From Mrs. Walden: Check us out on Facebook at “ACT Prep Workshops.” Our Instagram @actprepwky has reels with important information for students and parents. Private tutoring sessions are also available.
Ethan Morgan and Jackson Miller - Marshall County High School alumnis - will be on campus on Wednesday, March 19 to speak to all of our Heal...