Monday, September 27, 2021

Terrace Metrics Survey coming soon!

Social-Emotional Learning (SEL) makes a difference in the lives of our students. We know this from the research, which demonstrates that an education that promotes SEL has a positive impact on a wide range of outcomes, including academic performance, healthy relationships, mental wellness, and more.

The MCHS couseling staff is excited about partnering with Terrace Metrics.  In the past, we were solely responsible for planning Social-Emotional curriculum. Terrace Metrics will make this job so much more effective for everyone involved!

On Tuesday 9/28, MCHS will be sending home information about our upcoming Terrace Metrics surveys.  Please watch the video link below for information about the surveys and how we will be using the information.

If you have any further questions, you may contact one of our counseling staff who are coordinating this survey by calling the school or emailing one of them directly.    

Heather Losser:

Jonathan Durr:

Laurrelle Couch: