Tuesday, March 21, 2023


SUMMER SCHOOL:  Summer school will be May 30 through June 16.  

Students who have missed credits or failed courses need to attend summer school. 

Transportation and snacks will be provided.

Please contact me through email or phone if you have questions or want to sign up.
     Email:  jennifer.jackson@marshall.kyschools.us
     Phone:  270-527-1453

EKU's College of STEM Summer Camp

The College of Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics is hosting its annual “STEM Summer Camp” for rising Juniors and Seniors from June 4th to June 9th. We are looking for interested students to apply for this camp.

Some quick information on the camp:

  • 5-day residential camp on Richmond’s campus
  • STEM activities run by the College’s professors
  • FREE to apply online from Now to April 
  • If accepted, the cost will be only $50
  • Room and board, food, and materials for the activities are all covered
  • Information sessions on college majors, the application process, and financial aid and scholarships
  • Fun evening activities such as going to the campus pool and team-building activities

If you or any students that are interested have any questions, please email Aida Bermudez at aida.bermudez@eku.edu or call her at (859) 622- 2902. 

Applications will be available at go.eku.edu/stemcamp.

Wednesday, March 1, 2023

2023-2024 KDE Commissioner's Student Advisory Council

 2023-2024 KDE Commissioner's Student Advisory Council Application

In order to gain valuable feedback from Kentucky students and to engage student leaders in learning by doing, the commissioner of the Kentucky Department of Education (KDE) created the Commissioner's Student Advisory Council (CSAC).

This group meets monthly with the commissioner and KDE staff, both in person and virtually, to discuss how decisions made at the state level are affecting students throughout Kentucky.

The council's members provide feedback on critical issues impacting students and schools, and work with KDE staff to develop ideas to improve and transform education.

Council membership is open to students currently completing grades 9, 10 or 11 in a Kentucky public high school. For more information, email GlyptusAnn Grider Jones at glyptusann.jones@education.ky.gov.

The deadline to apply is Thursday, March 9, 2023, at 11:59 p.m. ET. Virtual interviews with advancing candidates will take place in April 2023.

MCHS Mental Health Corner

Being a teenager is hard.  Really hard.  Teens regularly face stressors from family, friends, romantic relationships, school, work, extra-cu...