Tuesday, November 15, 2022

2023 American Legion Speech Contest

Message from Mark Kennedy: Attached is the November news release that I have sent to all of the newspapers in West Kentucky. 

This is an excellent opportunity for the students at your high school to compete in a speech contest that promotes a better understanding of our U. S. Constitution and the obligations of citizens to our government.  It also affords them the opportunity to earn significant scholarships for their efforts.  This program could also afford your students to get additional credit towards their civics and history classes.


I am reaching out to you because the First District of the American Legion includes your school and we have very rich tradition of excelling in this contest.  During the last four years this district has produced three Department (State) Champions and four years ago we had a National Champion (Carlissa Frederich of McCracken County High School) and last year we had a student finish third in the nation (Jackson Boone of Marshall County HS).  Each of those students collected nearly $39,000.00 in scholarship funds that they were able to use for any purpose.


Thus far this year we only have one contestant registered for the contest, but I am sure there are more kids in this district that would compete if they were aware of the program and they would represent your school and our district as well, if not better, than the students that have gone before them.  Registration is easy: students can register by sending their name, phone number, date of birth, high school, grade in school and their address.  I will provide them any additional information they need, answer any questions they may have and encourage them as much as I can to succeed.


Please encourage any students you may have that might be interested to contact me at usmc1965@bellsouth.net or by phone at 270-752-3333.

Thanks for helping get the word out.  We have another champion in our midst and we can find her or him. 

What are your plans after high school - work or college? Either way, this presentation is right for you!

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