Friday, April 29, 2022

Summer School 2022 Information

Where: Marshall County High School
When: May 23rd - June 10th
(Summer School will not be in session on Memorial Day - Monday, May 30th.)

Time: Monday through Friday from 8:00 am - 12:00 pm each day

Summer School will not be offered virtually.

Students will complete curriculum through teacher-led assignments AND on the online Apex platform. Thus, students must complete the work in-person with the guidance of teachers.

Students may not miss more than 3 hours of instruction over the course of Summer School, or they will be dismissed from the program and lose the opportunity to gain needed credits.

All policies from the Student Code of Conduct will be enforced during Summer School. This includes the dress code. 

If you need to sign up for Summer School, please register by using this link no later than Wednesday, May 18.

Tuesday, April 19, 2022

State Testing on Tuesday, April 26

Sophomores will be participating in the Kentucky Summative Assessment (KSA) on Tuesday, April 26.  This state assessment was formerly called K-PREP in elementary and middle school.  

Sophomores will be taking assessments for Reading and Math.  Testing will take place during the first two blocks with the rest of the day's schedule being normal.

Teachers will be working with students this week on making sure they understand the format of the test since it will be online.  If you would like to go over it some more, please click on this link to get to the Kentucky Testing Portal.

It is extremely important that students bring their school-issued Chromebook (fully-charged) with them to school on Tuesday.  The testing program is already installed on the school device and cannot be placed on a personal one.

Feel free to contact Jennifer Jackson if you have any questions.
     Phone: 270-527-1453

Volunteer Opportunity


MCHS Mental Health Corner

Being a teenager is hard.  Really hard.  Teens regularly face stressors from family, friends, romantic relationships, school, work, extra-cu...