Wednesday, January 19, 2022

Commonwealth Honors Academy informational meeting

Mrs. Burnham will be having an informational session about Commonwealth Honors Academy (CHA) on Tuesday, January 25th during Huddle.  While CHA is for current juniors, she thought some sophomores may be interested in hearing about what the program has to offer.

If you are interested in attending, please contact Mrs. Burnham or myself by email to register and let us know you are planning to attend.


Monday, January 3, 2022

ACT Workshops presented by Kelly Walden

Kelly Walden is once again having her ACT Prep Workshops for the upcoming tests in February and April.  Please red the information below, and sign up if you are interested.

Prep for the February national test date

Prep for the April national test date

What are your plans after high school - work or college? Either way, this presentation is right for you!

Ethan Morgan and Jackson Miller - Marshall County High School alumnis - will be on campus on Wednesday, March 19 to speak to all of our Heal...