Tuesday, May 11, 2021

School Devices, Finals, & Summer School

This is a reminder that if you have borrowed a school device and/or hot spot for the year, it is to be returned this week.

Virtual students - return to the front office during regular school hours

In-person students - return to Mrs. Burkeen in the library

Finals for your classes are this week.  Don't forget that the final is worth 10% of your overall grade for the semester.

Thursday = finals for 2nd & 4th blocks

Friday = finals for 1st & 3rd blocks

Do you need to sign up for summer school?  Please get signed up as soon as possible.  Remember - the school is providing transportation if you need it.  Here is the link to the google form: https://forms.gle/mccmYfds3WgrWbNfA.  Be sure you are logged in to your student account to get signed up.

It's definitely been an eventful year - please let me know if you have any questions over the summer!

Mrs. Jackson  : )


Friday, May 7, 2021

ACT Prep workshops with Kelly Walden

ACT Prep Workshop

Three separate workshops for the June ACT         $300

The Workshop:  The 16-hour workshop is open to all students from all schools in the area. Students will not only review the subject matter, but will also learn ACT-specific test-taking strategies.  The instructors will teach the different types of questions the ACT uses, methods for handling difficult questions, and tips for dealing with tight time limits.  

Workshop Instructors   
- Shawn Baldwin, B.S., M.A., will teach the Math and Science sessions
- Kelly King Walden, B.A., M.A., will teach the English and Reading sessions

Location: Reidland Church of Christ Fellowship Hall, 5500 Kentucky Dam Rd.

Dates: (Choose one)   May 25-28  or  June 1-4   or  June 7-10

Times: 10 AM to 3 PM with an hour (12:00-1:00) for lunch.

Cost: $300 for all sessions. Participants must bring a calculator.

Scholarships are available by counselor referral.

Earn a $50 discount by referring a friend. Have the friend mention your name when he or she registers.

Registration:  Please email Shawn Baldwin at logostestprepky@gmail.com.  Include the following information:    
    - Your name
    - Student’s name 
    - Parent phone number
    - Student’s phone number (if driving)
    - Student’s school and year in school
    - Student’s best ACT score (if taken)

Call 270-356-6014 for more information or look us up on ACT Prep Workshops on Facebook.

*Private tutoring sessions are also available.

Wednesday, May 5, 2021

Are you interested in the Air Force?

Would you like more information from the Air Force Recruiter?

Students wanting to know more about the Air Force or Space Force need to notify their counselor by the start of school on Friday, May 7.  Our Air Force recruiter will then set up a time next week to meet with you either in person or via Zoom.  Students must have parent permission.  Parents can email their student's counselor.

Let me know if you have any questions. 

What are your plans after high school - work or college? Either way, this presentation is right for you!

Ethan Morgan and Jackson Miller - Marshall County High School alumnis - will be on campus on Wednesday, March 19 to speak to all of our Heal...