Wednesday, December 16, 2020

ACT Prep Workshop with Kelly Walden


ACT® Prep Workshop

$300       January 9, 16, 23, 30

The WorkshopThe 16-hour workshop is open to all students from all schools in the area. Students will not only review the subject matter, but will also learn ACT-specific test-taking strategies.  The instructors will teach the different types of questions the ACT uses, methods for handling difficult questions, and tips for dealing with tight time limits. 

Workshop Instructors:   
hawn Baldwin, B.S., M.A. will teach the Math and Science sessions
Kelly King Walden, B.A., M.A. will teach the English and Reading sessions

Workshop has limited seating due to Covid-19 social distancing requirements.

If weather prohibits travel or businesses close due to Covid-19, the instructors may conduct one or more sessions by Zoom. 

Reidland Church of Christ Annex, 5500 Kentucky Dam Road

Time: Sessions run from 10:00-3:00 each day with a one hour break for lunch.

$300 for all sessions. Earn a $50 discount by referring a friend.
   - Have the friend mention your name when registering.
   - Students must bring a calculator to the math sessions.
   - Scholarships are available by counselor referral.

Find us on
Facebook at ACT Prep Workshops.

  Please contact Shawn Baldwin at 270-356-6014 or

*Private tutoring sessions are also available.

Tips for Managing Stress

Being a teenager is hard.  You regularly face stressors from parents, friends, romantic relationships, school, work, extra curricular activities and social media, just to name a few.  Now, we have the added stress of Covid 19 and virtual learning.  As we approach the end of the semester and get into the holiday season, you may notice that you feel even more stressed than usual.  There are added worries about final exams and trying to make sure your grades are where you want them to be.  The holidays can also be very stressful for multiple reasons.  You may notice yourself feeling more irritable and tired than usual.  You may have difficulty sleeping because you can’t stop thinking about all the things you need to do.  You may have new aches and pains, such as headaches, tension in your muscles and stomach problems.   All of these things are your body’s way of telling you that you need to stop and take care of yourself before you become overwhelmed or turn to negative ways of coping.  Here are some healthy ways to cope with the stress you are feeling:

1. Plan Ahead - If you have too many tasks or assignments due, make a to-do list and a schedule.  Plan to complete the most important things first and break up large tasks into smaller pieces so you don’t feel overwhelmed.  Make sure your plans are realistic; don’t plan to accomplish more than you actually can.

2. Prepare - If you’re worried about an upcoming event, try visualizing yourself there and thinking about how you might handle different situations that could come up.

3. Deep Breathing and Mindfulness - Sit up straight and take a few slow, deep breaths: inhale through your nose, exhale through your mouth.  Try some mindfulness activities linked here.

4. Relax Your Muscles - Do some stretches, try yoga or take a hot shower to help yourself relax.

5. Exercise - Exercising can help you relax, too.  It even releases your brain’s natural feel-good chemicals like endorphins and dopamine.  Try going for a walk or a run.  You could also dance, play basketball or lift weights.  Any type of physical activity will work.

6. Eat Healthy - Give your body energy by eating healthy foods such as vegetables, fruits, and lean sources of protein.  Avoid too many sugary foods, as they can actually have a negative impact on your mood in the long run.

7. Avoid Alcohol and Drugs - Substance use can make it harder for you to think clearly.  Also, substances can negatively impact your mood.

8. Talk to Someone - Tell your family and friends that you’re feeling stressed. If there’s something you don’t want to talk about with family or friends, reach out to a teacher, school counselor, or another trusted adult.  Talking to someone may not solve your problem, but it will likely help you feel less overwhelmed by it.  Remember, we have counselors available to speak to you, if needed.  Click here for a google form that will connect you to a counselor.

Craft Academy & Gatton Acadmey admission deadline extended

The Craft Acadmey for Excellence in Science and Mathematics and The Gatton Academy of Mathematics and Science announced on Tuesday, December 15, 2002, their coordinated admissions deadlines will be extended from February 1, 2021 to March 1, 2021.

The programs are taking steps to support prospective students in applying for admissions to the academies despite the current pandemic. In addition to extending the deadline, these measures include offering special administrations of the ACT at the academies’ host campuses of Morehead State University (Craft Academy) and Western Kentucky University (Gatton Academy). Known as ACT OnCampus (formerly known as the ACT Residual Test), these special testing dates provide prospective students the opportunity to take the ACT exam outside of a national test administration and are less likely to be cancelled or rescheduled. For more information on registering for the ACT OnCampus, prospective students should email the Craft Academy at or the Gatton Academy at  
Extending the admissions deadline allows prospective students more time to request letters of recommendation, request official transcripts, and complete required essays. It also gives prospective students who do not take the ACT OnCampus one last national ACT administration on Feb. 6. Note students may not take the ACT OnCampus and test on Feb. 6.  
Offering ACT OnCampus opportunities and extending the admissions deadline maintain the admissions standards of the Craft Academy and The Gatton Academy while addressing some of the barriers prospective students have faced in this unprecedented time. Both academies are looking forward to next fall with full residence halls and in-person classes. 

Thursday, December 10, 2020

Hugh O’Brian Youth (HOBY) Leadership Seminar - Applications available NOW!!!

Dear Sophomores:  This application could be the beginning of a fun and exciting learning experience.  Since 1958, HOBY has provided transformative leadership development training to positively impact the lives of thousands of high school students in the US and abroad annually.  All 10th graders are eligible and are encouraged to apply! 

About HOBYHOBY has conducted annual seminars since 1958.  During the seminars, 10th graders have the opportunity to meet, interact with and question regionally and internationally renowned leaders.  HOBY Leadership Seminars are two-to-three-day events held each spring in your state.

HOBY’s purpose is to bring together a select group of high school sophomores who have demonstrated leadership ability so that they can interact with groups of distinguished leaders in business, government, education, and other professions to discuss present and future issues.  The informal, question-and-answer format during these seminars meets HOBY’s specific goals:

  • To seek out and develop leadership potential in high school sophomores;
  • To encourage and assist students in their quest for self-development and self-identification;
  • To introduce potential leaders to today’s recognized leaders through informal, give-and-take discussions on a variety of current, critical topics;
  • To provide through this exposure the opportunity to explore free enterprise and community service.

For additional information, check out the HOBY website:

Selection:  All sophomores are eligible to apply.  The applications will be judged by a selection committee based on your leadership ability, sensitivity to others, and desire to communicate your knowledge to your peers.  If you are selected, you will receive an invitation to attend the weekend seminar in Kentucky.  

The Kentucky-West Leadership Seminar will be held VIRTUALLY on Friday, June 4 and Saturday, June 5. 

If selected, the fee to attend is $225.  

Email Mrs. Jackson if you are interested in applying, and she will send you more information about the applicaiton process.

GSA December Updates


GSA December Updates

 ðŸŽ¨Happy (Almost) New Year!🎨


As we settle in for the conclusion of 2020, here are some important updates from GSA. We hope you and yours enjoy a relaxing transition to the new year!

One month until the GSA 2021 application is due!

High school sophomores and juniors have until 11:59 p.m., January 10th to submit their GSA 2021 applications. Applicants should:

  1. the Applicant Guide for their artform(s) of interest.
  2. select recordings of virtual info sessions to learn about various aspects of the summer program and the application process (we still have one info session coming up on Dec. 17!)
  3. ...send any and all questions to GSA at (note office closure dates below!)
  4. ...not wait until the last minute to apply - start your application soon and submit early, if possible!

We salute the hundreds of young artists who are "putting themselves out there" by sharing their artistry via the GSA application. We can't wait to learn more about you and see your creativity in action! 

Application deadline for GSA summer staff extended to January 17th! 

Are you or someone you know interested in serving as a residential advisor, faculty assistant, or administrative intern at the GSA 2021 summer program? Learn more and apply via links found here.

GSA's offices will be closed December 19th - January 3rd. 

We're taking a quick break before diving into 2021 - we hope you have the chance to do the same! 


Yours in Creativity,


The GSA Family

Friday, December 4, 2020

GSE Applications accepted through January 25 - Virtual Events coming soon

Virtual Learning Events Remaining for GSE

Wednesday, Dec. 9th from 4-5 p.m. ET

Wednesday, Dec. 16th from 4-5 p.m. ET

Link to Attend:

This free, prestigious program will take place on Northern Kentucky University's campus from June 6th - June 26th in the summer of 2021. All current 9th, 10th, and 11th-grade students are welcome to apply.

To learn more about GSE and how to apply, visit

Meal Pickup Information for the next couple of weeks


2020 Virtual Preview Days for Gatton Academy

If you have been interested in applying to Gatton Academy, they are having a couple of Virtual Preview Days coming up.  You still have time to get registered - see the information below.


What are your plans after high school - work or college? Either way, this presentation is right for you!

Ethan Morgan and Jackson Miller - Marshall County High School alumnis - will be on campus on Wednesday, March 19 to speak to all of our Heal...