The newest information was emailed to students on 4/14/20 is at the beginning of this
post using the email address listed in their MyAP account.
This is very exciting
and there’s no better time to take an AP exam!
- AP Examinees will receive emails from CollegeBoard in the account
that they selected to use to create their MyAP CollegeBoard account
with. This is the email address that CollegeBoard will send exam
information to in May. On April 14, Mrs. Burnham did a system check and
found students who had undeliverable email addresses in the MyAP system. If
your address was undeliverable, she has contacted you.
- CollegeBoard will send an At Home Testing Guide and FAQ late April.
- AP Examinees will need to go into their MyAP account and select a
college to receive their score. You get to send to one college for
free. Please do this within the next week.
- CollegeBoard is recommending that AP Examinees access the online
system 30 minutes before their exam – there will be more information to
come regarding this.
- If you are in AP Computer Science Principles you will not have an
exam but your portfolio is due May 26.
MCHS Students can connect
to wi-fi in any of the school parking lots. If you need a device, you may
check one out at the high school. Please let Mrs. Burnham know of any
device or tech issues as soon as possible.
Updates for AP Students
can be found at this link:
Please bookmark this link and check it often.
You will be able to see the
details on exam dates and times, what’s covered and what’s not, the types of
questions that may be asked, how those questions will be weighted and more.
You will also be able to get
more information about exam features, the timing and expected tasks, and what
to expect on exam day and beyond.
This link will also provide
you online AP classes and review session.
This year's AP Exams will include the following:
- Available for
students to take at home.
- Delivered to students
online, and, in most cases, can be taken with a smartphone, laptop,
desktop, tablet, or Chromebook.
- Include only
free-response questions.
- Approximately 45
minutes long.
- Open book/open notes,
but will not permit consultation with other students or teachers during
the test.
- Held May 11-22 at
specified times, with a makeup option available for each exam June 1-5.
- Only include topics and
skills most AP students had already covered by early March (if you were in
a spring course).
- Give students the
opportunity to earn college credit if they receive a qualifying score.
- Have the support of
college admissions officers who review applications, and college faculty
who decide whether college credit is awarded.
*Please note that this description does not pertain to AP Computer
Science Principles as that course does not have online at-home exams this year.
CSP students will have a portfolio submission deadline of May 26.