Wednesday, April 29, 2020

Career Exploration Opportunities

Virtual Bus to Business

Bus to Business is a statewide initiative focused on connecting students with employers. The goal of Bus to Business is to show students what career pathways exist in their own communities. During these days of non-traditional learning and working from home, the Kentucky Chamber Workforce Center has partnered with the Kentucky Department of Education to provide students the ability to learn about different careers with Virtual Bus to Business.
We have premiered four video interviews from leaders from across the state as they discuss their different industries and the pathways they took to lead them to where they are today. Available videos can be found on our YouTube channel and we have created two playlists: one for elementary school students, and one for middle and high school students.
Videos now streaming include:
  • Ashli Watts, President and CEO of the Kentucky Chamber of Commerce
  • Nick Rowe, President of Kentucky American Water
  • Daniel Cameron, Attorney General of Kentucky
  • Suzanne Cecil White, Cecil Farms Produce
  • Adam Hinton, Hinton Mills
  • Nico Casper and Ashley Mandel, UPS

FREE Online ACT Prep

In February all juniors had a free ACT test session with Dr. Ben Phillips of Jane Ross Tutoring in Memphis, TN. It was a fantastic opportunity.  Dr. Phillips notified Mrs. Burnham that they are partnering with Union University for some online ACT Prep options to help students wanting to take the ACT this summer. Read below for more information.  Please let me know if you have any other questions!

Jane Ross Tutoring is partnering with Union University to offer online ACT prep for the summer tests!  Beginning Wednesday, May 13, we will host a series of five weekly webinars where we teach our best strategies for beating the test.

Our live webinars are called JRT Power Sessions.  In the first session, I'll teach some of the most effective science tips. The best part is that the first session is FREE.

To attend the first JRT Power Session, simply register by clicking this Union link:

After the first session, we'll continue the series for students who want training for the other parts of the ACT.  All of the details—including dates and cost—can be found here:  If you’d like to sign up for all five sessions, use the Jane Ross link and enter coupon code STAYATHOME to save $50.

Higher scores open doors!

In summary: 
This opportunity is offered jointly with Union and Jane Ross Tutoring.  There is no charge for the first webinar; it’s great prep for the science part of the ACT.  Students will also have the option to sign up for the rest of the series, which will cover all parts of the test.

Wednesday, April 15, 2020

Latest Update from the CollegeBoard Regarding AP Exams

The newest information was emailed to students on 4/14/20 is at the beginning of this post using the email address listed in their MyAP account.  

This is very exciting and there’s no better time to take an AP exam!

  1. AP Examinees will receive emails from CollegeBoard in the account that they selected to use to create their MyAP CollegeBoard account with.  This is the email address that CollegeBoard will send exam information to in May.  On April 14, Mrs. Burnham did a system check and found students who had undeliverable email addresses in the MyAP system. If your address was undeliverable, she has contacted you.
  2. CollegeBoard will send an At Home Testing Guide and FAQ late April.
  3. AP Examinees will need to go into their MyAP account and select a college to receive their score.  You get to send to one college for free.  Please do this within the next week.
  4. CollegeBoard is recommending that AP Examinees access the online system 30 minutes before their exam – there will be more information to come regarding this.
  5. If you are in AP Computer Science Principles you will not have an exam but your portfolio is due May 26.

MCHS Students can connect to wi-fi in any of the school parking lots.  If you need a device, you may check one out at the high school.  Please let Mrs. Burnham know of any device or tech issues as soon as possible.

Updates for AP Students can be found at this link:  
Please bookmark this link and check it often.

You will be able to see the details on exam dates and times, what’s covered and what’s not, the types of questions that may be asked, how those questions will be weighted and more.
You will also be able to get more information about exam features, the timing and expected tasks, and what to expect on exam day and beyond.
This link will also provide you online AP classes and review session.

This year's AP Exams will include the following:
  • Available for students to take at home.
  • Delivered to students online, and, in most cases, can be taken with a smartphone, laptop, desktop, tablet, or Chromebook.
  • Include only free-response questions.
  • Approximately 45 minutes long.
  • Open book/open notes, but will not permit consultation with other students or teachers during the test.
  • Held May 11-22 at specified times, with a makeup option available for each exam June 1-5.
  • Only include topics and skills most AP students had already covered by early March (if you were in a spring course).
  • Give students the opportunity to earn college credit if they receive a qualifying score.
  • Have the support of college admissions officers who review applications, and college faculty who decide whether college credit is awarded.
*Please note that this description does not pertain to AP Computer Science Principles as that course does not have online at-home exams this year. CSP students will have a portfolio submission deadline of May 26.

Email Mrs. Burnham or call her office cell phone during regular school hours (270-205-0632) with any questions.

Saturday, April 11, 2020

Need some help? Here are Toll Free and Online services available to you and your family.

AP Exam Update from the CollegeBoard!!!

Here's what students need to know and do...

A CollegeBoard update concerning AP exams came out last Friday. CollegeBoard sent their update directly to students through the email the student listed in their MyAP account.

You will be able to complete your AP journey this year by taking your AP Exam online on any device you have access to—computer, tablet, or smartphone. You’ll also have the option to write your responses by hand and submit a photo. 

MCHS Students can connect to wi-fi in any of our school parking lots.  If you need a device you may check out a device at the high school.  Please let Mrs. Burnham know of any device or tech issues as soon as possible.

Updates for AP Students can be found at this link:
  • See the details on exam dates and times, what’s covered and what’s not, the types of questions that may be asked, how those questions will be weighted and more.
  • Get more information about exam features, the timing and expected tasks, and what to expect on exam day and beyond.
  • This link will also provide you online AP classes and review session.

CollegeBoard will release an at home testing guide, video and simulation in late April to get prepared for this type of testing format!  I think this is very exciting and there’s no better time to take an AP exam!

For now we know the above information and that every student registered for an AP exam will receive a credential to access an exam through their myAP account or the email they listed in their myAP account.  We also know that every student approved for accommodations will receive them in this format.  These exam scores will be recognized by colleges. 

We look forward to the next CollegeBoard update.  Meanwhile let Mrs. Burnham know what questions you have.  You can email her at or call her office cell phone during normal school hours (270-205-0632).

Wednesday, April 1, 2020

Are You Interested in Working in the Library?

If you would like the opportunity to work in the MCHS Library next year alongside Mrs. Burkeen, please complete the form below.

MCHS Mental Health Corner

Being a teenager is hard.  Really hard.  Teens regularly face stressors from family, friends, romantic relationships, school, work, extra-cu...