Friday, January 25, 2019

Empower KY Conference

KASAP (Kentucky Association of Sexual Assault Programs) is sponsoring a the Empower KY Conference for 9th, 10th, 11th, and 12th grade students of Green Dot, Sources of Strength, and Youth Empowerment System schools. This conference will be held at WKU from June 7-10, 2019 and is completely FREE OF CHARGE. Empower KY is being planned by high school students across the state and will focus on- mental health, substance use, and power-based personal violence.

Official description: The conference will be a space for 200-250 high school youth to connect and network with other students from across the state; strengthen their leadership and advocacy skills; learn strategies and tools to prevent sexual violence, substance abuse, and suicide; and discuss social justice issues that are impacting their schools and communities. Following the conference, attendees will assume a leadership role in a regional 1-day summit where students from their area will gather to action plan and write grant proposals for a prevention-focused project or initiative.

If you are interested and would like more information stop by the guidance department and see Ms. Newsome or go to the link below...

Thursday, January 24, 2019

MSU Regional Art Competition

Any student who is interested in entering artwork into the MSU Regional Art Competition needs to see Mrs. Cope.  

Students may enter up to 2 pieces per category.  There is a fee of $1 per entry. Prizes are awarded to 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and honorable mentions in each category.  There is also a Best of Show award.  

Categories include:
     - painting                   - textiles
     - drawing                   - ceramics
     - mixed media           - sculpture
     - printmaking             - jewelry/metals
     - graphic design        - digital art
     - fashion                    - film/video/animation

The deadline for entry is Friday, February 1.

Tuesday, January 15, 2019

4-H Camp Counselor Applications

4-H Camp Counselor Applications are available in the Guidance Office. 

Complete applications are to be sent to Lena Mallory no later than 
Wednesday, March 27.

Thursday, January 10, 2019

ACT Prep at MCHS

The American Legion National Oratory Scholarship

The letter below has information pertaining to The American Legion National Oratory Scholarship. 

For this contest students must be in grades 9 -12 and less than 20 years old.  To register for the contest students need to email Mark Kennedy and let him know their name, high school, grade in school and a good telephone contact number.

The contest has two phases: 1.0 The “Prepared Oration” and 2.) The “Assigned Topics.”

THE PREPARED ORATION:  The contestants must speak for 8 – 10 minutes (without notes) on any topic regarding the Constitution of the U.S. with an emphasis on the obligations of the citizen to our government.  They must provide a typed, TITLED, manuscript at each level of the competition and their title cannot change as they advance, but the contents of the speech may be “tweaked” at each level.

THE ASSIGNED TOPIC ORATION:  The contestants must speak for 3 – 5 minutes on any one of four Assigned Topics which are drawn at each level of the contest.  In other words, the topic drawn at our District contest of the four will likely NOT be the same as the topic drawn at the Area contest.  The four Assigned Topics for this year are: Amendment 1; Amendment 4; Amendment 13; and Amendment 21.

There is a tpyo in the letter - the actual deadline is January 14 but you must contact him as soon as possible to register.  The guidcance office received this letter on January 8.

The District prizes this year will be: 1st Place: $400; 2nd Place $300; 3rd Place $200 and; 4th Place $100.  Then, the winner of our District advances to the Area which will be in Eddyville Sunday, February 10 this year and will automatically receive $500 just for competing at Area.  There will only be 3 contestants at Area (Districts 1, 2 and 3 champions) and the winner of the Area advances to State to face the champions from Area B & C and will win either $2,000, $1,500, or $1,000. If a student wins the State Championship, they go to the Nationals in Indianapolis to compete for $18,000, $16,000, or $14,000, but they also receive another $1,500 just for competing.

The American Legion First District Oratorical Contest will be conducted on Sunday, January 20, 2019 at the Murray/Calloway County Senior Citizens’ Center located at 607 Poplar Street, Murray, Kentucky.  Contestants are asked to be at the site at 1:00 PM and the contest will start at approximately 2:00 PM.

Additional information about the contest can be found at and you can also email or call Mark Kennedy at 270-752-3333 

Wednesday, January 9, 2019

Upcoming Dates & Information: AP Registration, Parent Nights

  • AP registration opens in February for students that want to register for an AP exam(s) - (closes March 15). 
  • We will start registration for the 19-20 school year the week of Feb. 11 - stay tuned for more info!
  • We will have two opportunities for parents/guardians to attend a parent night for sessions related to schedules, scholarships, summer programs, AP, dual credit and more!
    • Feb. 11 6-8 OR Feb. 12 4-6
  • Online ACT prep opportunity:  Our school has purchased CERT for every student.  Students took a practice ACT through CERT in November.  Students can log in to their account and look at their results and do ACT test prep. 

MCHS Mental Health Corner

Being a teenager is hard.  Really hard.  Teens regularly face stressors from family, friends, romantic relationships, school, work, extra-cu...