Tuesday, August 28, 2018

PSAT:  Wednesday, October 24 from 8:15 – 11:30 a.m. @ MCHS
The cost of the PSAT is $16.00. The PSAT is only given one time a year.  It is offered to sophomores as a practice test.  The PSAT is offered to juniors as a practice test for the SAT, to enter the competition for scholarships from the National Merit Scholarship Corporation, or for merit-based scholarships offered by their parent's employer.  Please contact Mrs. Burnham in the guidance office (room 201) to sign-up.  
The deadline for signing up for the test is Tuesday, September 11.

What can I do to be prepared to take the PSAT?
     - Go to collegeboard.org/psatpractice for sample questions, practice test answer  
        explanations, and a full length practice test.
     - Go to psat.org/scoring for more information about scoring and personalized 
        practice from Khan Academy.
     - Go to www.nationalmerit.org for information pertaining to the National Merit 
        Scholarship Corporation. 

Welcome to your sophomore year at Marshall County High School!  As a sophomore, you have a year of high school behind you. If you think college is in your future, start thinking about how much that will cost. Remember, when we say “college” that means any training after high school, including technical or beauty school, as well as a two- or four-year college program.  The sophomore year can be quite difficult, so make sure you do your assignments, study for exams and ask your teachers for help when you don’t understand something.

MCHS Mental Health Corner

Being a teenager is hard.  Really hard.  Teens regularly face stressors from family, friends, romantic relationships, school, work, extra-cu...